How to Keep Visitors on Your Website

Google Gets Social with Search

Google has recently made some significant changes to its algorithm. What does this mean for you? You are now able to stay more connected with your social circle and help protect your embarrassing social profiles from co-workers and clients. Google first introduced Google social search in 2009 and has steadily improved ever since. Now, there are three ways Google has vastly improved their social search that will keep you more connected with otheres in your social circle. Continue reading

11 Things You Can Do to Lower Your Bounce Rate Today

How this website owner lowered their bounce rate to under 4%!

First I’ll quickly explain what “bounce rate” is. It really doesn’t need much explanation, so I’ll keep it short. Google Analytics expert, Avinash Kaushik, sums it up like this: I Came, I Puked, I Left

Bounce rate is the percent of visitors who leave your website without taking any action. It is only one piece of the puzzle. There are other metrics to look at, including the average length of time visitors stay on your website and the average number of pages that they view per visit.

Ok, so now on to the good stuff… Continue reading