August Report on “Google’s Mobilegeddon


It is now 4 months since Google launched it’s new algorithm nicknamed “Mobilegeddon”.
The impact of this launch is still being studied as time goes on by SEO Analysts, and Online Marketeers, and other research sources in this industry. It is my continued goal to provide research results to businesses who might otherwise lose touch with what is going on with the Internet as they might be too busy running their own businesses and day to day issues that take up all their time.

I still see complacency occurring among web site clients that it was much to do about nothing. Unfortunately nothing could be further from the truth. Here are some interesting findings as I continue my research on this subject. Continue reading

5 Tips to Composing a Fantastic Tweet

Twitter LogoTwitter has become it’s own creature since the time of its birth in March of 2006. When it first came out, all of us were in the middle of our honeymoon stage on Facebook, enthralled with the social power of it all. Do you still not understand Twitter or how to compose a fantastic tweet? Read on if you want a few tips on composing a fantastic tweet. It is definitely a science of its own. Continue reading

Why Your Business Should Use Google+

When it comes down to which social platform to use for your business, which platforms come to your mind? I know for me, I think of Facebook and Twitter right away, not Google+. Almost everyone should be on those platforms for reasons such as, there are 1.3 billion users worldwide for Facebook and people might be talking about your company on Twitter. These are two reasons that give me the, absolutely, answer to, “should my business be on Facebook or Twitter?” Yet, how do we answer that same question for Google+?

Why should my business use Google+?

First off, Google controls Google+, obviously. Therefore, they can see everything that is happening on + very simply and they do. That is reason enough to at least have a good listing on Google, and be somewhat active. Continue reading

When LinkedIn Networking Goes All Wrong

Have you ever received an invitation to connect on LinkedIn that was very out of the blue and perhaps seemingly a little inappropriate? I’m a fairly aggressive LinkedIn user, so I run into this sort of thing once in a while.

Linkedin Spam

A Spammy Message in My LinkedIn Inbox

Today, immediately upon connecting with someone who I thought might be worth networking with on LinkedIn, I received a message in my inbox.

I was intrigued at first, but partly suspicious. How could someone have written a personal message to me that quickly?! Well, chances are it wasn’t really a personal message crafted just for me. It was a form letter that some automated program sent me.

Being fairly savvy in all things LinkedIn, I knew what to do next. To the right side of the Send a message button on all your connections’ profiles, there is a blue and white down-arrow. Upon clicking report or block user on linkedinthat arrow, a list of options appear. Of course, I selected “Block or report”.

Selecting this option brings up a layer that gives options to Block or Report this person.. DUH! Choosing the Block option means that I won’t be able to access their profile and they won’t be able to access mine. Fine with me! We won’t be able to mess each other on LinkedIn. Phew! And, If we’re connected, we won’t be connected any longer. What a relief! I won’t have to go find that silly disconnect button myself.

how to block a linkedin userChoosing the Report option means that LinkedIn will review the profile in question and will search for inappropriate behavior or violations of their Terms of Use. I chose this option on the grounds of misrepresentation. I really don’t think that Laura Scott is a beautiful Interior Decorator from Kentucky. I think she’s actually a he and most likely lives in Nigeria or the Philippines.

Moral of the story? Unless you want your LinkedIn network full of contacts who are out to trick you and steal your money, you need to be careful with whom you network.

There is no right or wrong way to do this LinkedIn networking thing. Just make sure you don’t get duped into wasting time communicating with frauds.

A Brief Blogging Primer

A brief blogging primer


A conversation between you and your audience. Your audience may be prospects, clients, tire kickers and other types of information seekers. Your goal is to provide fresh, useful information that provides valuable insights relevant to their information needs. Beyond text, blogs may use photos, videos, infographics, narration, and other rich content to create interest and accelerate understanding.




Blogs make your website more visible to potential prospects for your services. Incorporating keyword search phrases into your blog content results in higher ranking as a result of search engines indexing your blog pages with your strategic keyword phrases — your website domain will have greater chances of being displayed to potential customers using these same strategic search terms.   With higher ranking will come heightened visibility of your website and more opportunities to connect with prospects. Continue reading

Fixing Business Listing Errors in Local SEO on Angie’s List Can Be Confusing

Dealing with local SEO issues like yellow pages tech support can be frustrating at times. That is a good reason to leave it up to the business listing correction experts, like us. It gets even more complicated when support staff are feeding their clients misinformation.

fix listing errors on angies listI believe that the tech support department of Angie’s List may be confusing their search engine terminology. I wrote Angie’s List to have them update the phone number in a listing for one of my clients recently. I followed up a few weeks later since I did not see the live listing data updated yet.

They replied saying that the listing had been updated. They also said that if you are not signed in to the website (as a member) and you are seeing outdated info (which they may have updated already), AND you found the page via a Google search, then it is a Google cached page that you are seeing. Huh!?! Continue reading

Why Businesses Need Facebook

Businesses Need Facebook

Since my internship two years ago at a local organization in Green Bay doing social media content management and recently starting my job at Orion Group, I have explored why businesses need Facebook as a means of marketing. Facebook is a social platform where people share their personal feelings, beliefs, desires, and lives. Why then, do businesses need Facebook as a means of revenue growth or something that helps with exposure and profit? Continue reading

Why Orion Group Is Using Google Hangouts Rather Than Skype

Over the past couple of years the Internet Marketing team at Orion Group had been relying on Skype in our daily internal communications. Recently, We have been testing out Google Hangouts as a communication tool for our team as well. Our team has had a good experience using Google Hangouts, due in part to the fact that one of our Analysts had purchased a Chromebook and found it convenient to bring to meetings. Its small frame and easy access to all of the programs we use on Google made it very easy for him and made the rest of us feel like we needed one. Continue reading

Social Media Platforms, Explained

The purpose of this blog post is to provide deeper understanding of the various social media platforms available and to aid in establishing a social media strategy in order to achieve specific marketing goals.

Social Media Platforms Strengths Best Use

Social media can be used to reach both a diverse and a niche-centric audience. Those who use social media should engage with that awareness in mind, establishing their presence in the outlets that most closely match their engagement objectives. Continue reading