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WordPress version 3.8 is now out!

WordPress is the perfect content management system (CMS). While other systems offer different capabilities, WordPress is the ideal solution for a busy website owner or blogger who wants to run his or her business and not waste all day programming a website. Here are five reasons why a person should use this great content management system:

Very Customizable

The first question in any new web project is, “What Do I Want My Website To Do?” Your web designer will help you walk you through the process, from conceptualizing ideas to final launch. Plug-ins (for functionality) can be added to make your website do what you want it to do. Themes (for looks) can be changed for a different look. A website owner will usually want more than pages filled with content. You can have a contact us page installed to accept customer inquiries, or enable comments in your blog. Google Analytics can be added to track how many websites users visit your site.

A WordPress website is much easier to set up than an HTML or PHP site, where a user can spend hours in development. An experienced developer can help you install plug-ins that does all sorts of tasks. While a beginner could do this with WordPress, it can still takes many hours to figure out what you need. Your web designer can guide you through the process. You’ll get a website that is as custom as you are.

Easy to Update

When looking to set up a blog or website, a person can spend days just creating their site navigation. This is not the case with WordPress as an individual can, after a few clicks, start adding content. A good WordPress development company will show you how easily you can update it. That is the beauty of WordPress!

It’s Clean

While many programmers can create a nice looking site, they often leave old and broken code on the pages. Sadly, this will cause pages to load slower, and it may even have browser errors. With WordPress, this will not happen since the open-source developers took steps to make a CMS with clean and error-free code. At Orion, we have developers who know the ins and outs of creating browser-friendly code.

It’s Fast

When a blogger or website owner wants to communicate quickly, he or she should use this CMS. With a WordPress site, one can write a blog post or make a new page without effort. In fact, with a couple of clicks, a user can write a new post and communicate with his or her followers instantly. This is a tremendous advantage for a person working in a busy environment.

WordPress: An Awesome Community

While there are many technical reasons to use WordPress, one of the best has nothing to do with either software or hardware. WordPress is used by more than 18.9% of the top 10 million websites as of August 2013. With such a large and established user base, special user conferences called “WordCamps”. There is an average of nearly one WordCamp a week, somewhere around the world. WordCamps are great events, for developers and users alike. You get to meet other WordPress fans, learn the latest updates, and to share new information.

To answer any WordPress question that you might have, contact the Orion Group. We are WordPress specialists, and WordPress is all we do.