What Can a Website Do For You? Why Even Have a Website?

“I need a website!”

If you want a website, it is important to figure out what you want to do with it. Understanding what you want to accomplish, and how your website fits into your, or your organization’s, goals is key to a successful website.

Here are some key questions you should ask yourself when you want a website: What do you want your website visitors to learn? How do you want your website visitors to feel? What do you want your website visitors to do?

So, as a brainstorming exercise, I wrote a huge list of what I have seen websites do, or try to do. Then when analyzing the list, it came to me that there were broad commonalities to many of these features that you might want on a website. A little bit of sorting, and I came up with the lengthy list below. Just a word of warning, when you try to do too much, your site’s main purpose becomes diluted, and visitors might be confused.

what you website can do for you

So, When you boil it down . . .

There Are Only Five Things You Can Do With A Website, Legitimately

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Inspiration for Your New Website: Headers

When you’re out shopping around for a new website, one of the first meetings you will have is going to be based around the question: how do you want your website to look? This is where I see a lot of clients fall short of knowledge. Websites are your online presence, and the look of it will be very important. Do you want to come off business professional, socially driven, season driven, or even come off better to younger generation than an older generation.  But why should you know how to come up with the look of your website, the companies are the experts, right?

While the company should be the expert, it really helps companies out if clients know how they want their websites laid out. In this new series: Inspiration for Your New Website, I will show you the different parts of a website and a few examples of how these can be done.

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